Letter F Toddler Activities


Our most recent Tot School snippets spread over about two weeks.  I had everything lined up to go and on Monday, Little Sis came down with a bug that didn't go away for quite some time.  Bless her heart, she was so tired and whiny I thought my head might explode.  

When she did have moments of feeling "okay" (and they were quite brief), I took her downstairs to play and change up the scenery.  

Our focus was on the Letter F for featherfish, flower, frog, & farm.... 

Tot School Letter F Activities

Letter F Toddler Activities

F is for Flowers

I couldn't find a printable for what I was looking for, so I just made my own.  Here Little Sis matched the shape on the flower to the shape on the vase.  

I haven't really stressed shapes much, and when she looked at the shape, she did well matching... other times she would pick up the flower and just put it somewhere!
Letter F Tot School Activity

F is for Frogs

You can't talk about the Letter F and not talk about frogs!!  

Little Sis and I labeled the frog parts, made our own 5 Speckled Frogs props and listened to the song on my phone, completed a Do A Dot Frog page with stickers, & worked on lacing!  

Letter F Toddler Activities
Do A Dot & Frog Labeling from 2 Teaching Mommies

F is for Firetrucks.

Stamping F's on the fire truck.  She wasn't so interested in this one.  A lot of those markings were ones I did to try to get her interested!

Letter F Toddler Activities

Letter F Arts and Crafts

Decorated paper plate fish with Do A Dot Markers, painted with feathers, and made "flowers" using paint and the bottom of a pop bottle.  I thought the latter craft would turn out better... oh well, the kiddos had fun!

Letter F Toddler Activities

Playing with Playdough

I was trying to have her fill in the F, but pulling it apart and putting it wherever she wanted was more fun : )

Letter F Toddler Activities
Playdough Mat from Homeschool Creations

F is for Farm

Farm Shadow Matching!  I actually cut this activity wrong, according to the directions, but she did a great job with matching up the animals and making their sounds.

Activity from 2 Teaching Mommies On the Farm Unit

Letter F Toddler Activities

Find the frog!

I made up my own matching activity using stickers.  I put several stickers of frogs and a few stickers of random animals, and Little Sis was to use her Do A Dot marker to dot all the frogs.  

Think of it as an I SPY activity for toddlers!

Letter F Toddler Activities

Letter F Tot School was a full week!  We also:
  • Created a farm scene with our Melissa & Doug re-usable sticker pads
  • Made words with Melissa & Doug See and Spell
  • Played with Leap Frog Magnetic Animal Match-- she loved this!
  • practiced matching the letters in her name. I wrote her name on a piece of paper and using foam letter stickers, she matched the stickers to the letters!
  • made funny faces with Mr. Potato Head!
  • explored all things green in her water table-- makes for a great indoor sensory table in the winter time.

As I write this, she is finally on mend!  Our healthy little girl is back!!

See our other ABC activities:
Letter C     Letter F     Fine Motor Fun     Letter L     Letter S

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