He's going to want a straw to go with it....
If you give him the straw, watch out.... bubbles will ensue!
Surely your child loves blowing milk bubbles, too. But have you ever wondered what could possibly make blowing bubbles with a straw even more fun?
How about turning a fun and ill-mannered past-time into a fun science activity for christmas?!
My kiddos love doing and I think that is why they enjoy Science experiments of any kind! Knowing my children enjoy projects I give them a go every once and a while. I admit, science is just not my thing.
Christmas Science Experiment
Recently we had the opportunity to check out Carla Jansen's ebook, 25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids for free for an honest review.
It is available for Kindle for $2.99!
If you do not already know, Carla is the author/ writer at Preschool Powol Packets. She brings her love of Christmas, Science, and Teaching in this neat Kindle resource.
Science Activities for Christmas
During the month of December we will be doing some "light"schooling-- you know, the basics and of course, baking, crafting, and listening to a lot of Christmas music! This ebook will be the perfect addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic as it'll get everyone in the holiday mood and who doesn't love science experiments?
If you start on December 1st, you'll have a Science activity everyday until Christmas! You'll enjoy projects throughout December such as these:
As with any resource it is a good idea to go through the ebook to see what projects might interest your kids to make sure you have the right materials on hand. Many of the projects do call for simple materials you probably already have on hand, but of course Big Brother and Little Sis were eager to make the Christmas Fudge or do the Sugar Science activity first, but our pantry was lacking in a few of the supplies needed to make those!
- Santa Boogers
- Simple Christmas Fudge to explore solids and liquids
- Borax Icicles
- Homemade Snow
- Ice, Roads, and Salt
- and 20 other fun Christmas Science Projects!
In 25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids, each activity includes:
- pictures
- supply list
- directions
- extension activities
However, I did find something I knew Little Sis would enjoy-- and I had everything on hand!
We whipped up a FUN science activity for christmas with just 3 simple supplies:
- water
- dish soap
- food coloring,
We made Santa's Beard Bubbles!
Blow Bubbles With a Straw
What child doesn't love blowing bubbles?! I love that Carla added a festive spin to make an ordinary science activity seem fresh and new!
Once we had our supplies ready, Little Sis blew into the straw and Santa's Beard appeared and they grew and grew and grew!
This quick and easy activity kept Little Sis busy for at least 20-25 minutes.
To say she loved it would be an understatement.... She LOVED it!!!
Carla also provides some of the "why" behind the science project, but Little Sis was content to just blow bubbles so I didn't go into any detail.
Want to add science activities for Christmas during your school day and/or during holiday break? 25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids is ideal for ages 3-10, so check it out today!
Merry Christmas!!