With the spring season around the corner, it is time to begin thinking of what to plant in the garden.
A great way to get children involved and learning about the life cycle of plants is to get the children creating their own garden!
Here is a fun and creative way to explore the subject with gardening with kids to go along with the book, Planting a Rainbow
A great way to get children involved and learning about the life cycle of plants is to get the children creating their own garden!
Here is a fun and creative way to explore the subject with gardening with kids to go along with the book, Planting a Rainbow
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Flipping through a seed catalog or walking through a garden nursery awakens you to just how many different plants there are! Plants are various colors, sizes, and shapes; plants can be arranged together to make its own ecosystem!
Preschool Garden Theme
An ecosystem includes all the living and nonliving things in a given area; these living and non-living things depend on one another. Plants in a garden interact amongst each other-- some plants spread like crazy, others are more contained {we know this from our own garden!}; plants in a garden also interact with non-living things-- weather, sun, climate, soil, etc!
All this ecosystem talk is because of our latest activity.
We joined in with several other bloggers in the Storybook Science Series hosted by Inspiration Laboratories.
The series is broken up into four topics: experiments, engineering, earth and space science, and ecosystems and the environment.
Planting a Rainbow
From seedlings and bulbs, a beautiful garden of rainbow colors grows.
In preparation for planting our own garden, I had my children create their own collage of flowers.
What you need:
- Seed/ Flower Catalog
- scissors
- construction paper
- watercolor paint
- paintbrushes
- glue
After reading Planting a Rainbow
Flip through the catalog{s} and have your child cut out various flowers.
Once your child has several, use the watercolor paints to paint in the soil, stems and leaves, and the sky.
Glue the the flower pictures onto the paper, and your child has created his/her own garden!
For more storybook science activities, visit Inspiration Laboratories!