99 Fine Motor Ideas for Ages 1 to 5 .... the book!
The Hands Have It!
Squeezing Play Dough, Fastening Buttons, Snipping with Scissors, and So Much More
99 Fine Motor Activities presents fun, engaging ideas to involve the fine motor muscles in your child’s hands, fingers, and wrists. Ten talented moms come together to share the most successful, creative, and inspiring invitations to play that they set up for their own kids to get those little hands working!
Your child’s hands develop and change so much in the first years of life. From chubby newborn fists that can barely open to infants reaching for your face as they coo to toddlers self feeding and stacking blocks, soon you will have a preschooler learning to cut, write, and turn the pages of a book!
- Toys
- Busy Bags
- Sensory
- Practical Life
- Early Learning
- Art & Crafts
- Seasonal Activities
It is the newest go-to resource for fun activities to do with your child, that also focuses on getting those little hands moving.
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Fine Motor Skills Ideas
Fine Motor Skills Book
This resource is for you, if you:
-- are a parent, early childhood educator, grandparent, daycare provider, homeschool parent.... basically anyone working with children!
-- are looking for fun, playful, hands-on activities to do with your child, children, and/or classroom.
-- have one or more children ages 1 to 5
-- wanting to provide fun activities while strengthening important fine motor skills necessary for writing and beyond!
-- you need an easy go-to resource full of ideas that can easily be adapted to different skill levels.
Get your copy today!